Practical Clinical Skills

Practical Clinical Skills

Practical Clinical Skills

This resource provides a great review of very spefic skills for EKG interpretation and physical exam skills. Although it is not a full course, we still give it 5 stars. The modules are clear and concise, and the quality of the audio recordings is good. This could be used by students prior to starting clinical rotations or as a review once they are on clinical rotations.


This website includes simulation-based case studies and clinical skills training. The content is divided into Electrocardiogram, Heart Sounds, Blood Pressure, and Lung Sounds. Additional features include an Auscultation Quiz, Pulmonary Problem Solving, Abdominal Sounds, Carotid Artery Bruit, Auscultation Training by Repetition, and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. It includes specific modules on heart and lung sounds, blood pressure, EKG, and abdominal sounds.

The site has great examples of normal and diseased states, and many types of clinical skills are explained in detail. The website is interactive and can play different types of sounds. It also offers practice quizzes, with instant feedback, for self-evaluation. However, the explanations could be more detailed to make this a better learning resource.


These modules could be very helpful for faculty teaching physical exam skills and EKG interpretation. They are clear and concise, and the quality of the audio recordings is good. This could be used by students prior to starting clinical rotations or as a review once they are on clinical rotations.

More to read: USCAP Virtual Slide Box

Contributors: Air Liquid

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