


This resource consists of pictures, graphs, and explanations, and includes a full course worth of information. The material is targeted at US medicine. It is set up like Wikipedia and focuses on drug information. The content is organized according to the Medical Pharmacology course offered at the Tulane University School of Medicine. It has great graphic visuals with labels and descriptions. Additionally, the resource links to 3 YouTube videos covering Basic Principles of Pharmacology.

It also includes useful self-assessment quizzes for many topics

Topics include Basic Principles, Immunosuppressants, Histamine & Antihistamines, Glucocorticoids, NSAIDs, Rx of Gout, Antimicrobials, Antifungals, Antivirals, Antiparasitics, Antimalarials, Cancer Chemotherapy, Drugs Affecting the Blood, ANS Pharm, CV Pharm, Renal Pharm, Pulmonary Pharm, GI/Hepatic Pharm, Reproductive Pharm, Endocrine Pharm, Neurology / CNS Pharm, Psychopharmacology, and Toxicology. Additional topics include Abbreviations, Drug Syllables, and FDA Pregnancy Risk Factors.


This is not a resource to teach pharmacology but it is still a strong resource that is easy to follow and provides well organized information on many drugs. It contains the only most useful information and is not filled with esoteric information. Many of the subjects have quizzes, but not all. These could be used by faculty to write exams or by students as review questions.

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