Pathology Slides

Pathology Slides


Although this could not replace an entire Pathology course, we give it a full 5 stars for the excellent slide bank and clinical cases. There are quizzes for each topic that are also very helpful for students. Access to the course lecture videos and student handouts is blocked, but if access was granted this has potential to replace a Pathology course.


This resource consists of an online atlas with good pictures and labels, and also includes practice exam questions with answers. Practice exams include multiple choice quizzes on General Pathology and Organ System Pathology, and timed subject review and general review quizzes. Slides can be resized and are easy to navigate using the virtual microscope feature on the website. Class lecture videos and handouts are password protected for IUSM students. There are four sample open access videos .

Top rated for slide bank. Top for clinical cases, 27 total. With access to the course lectures and class handouts, this would be top rated for teaching ability.

The website also features detailed clinical case studies that provide a step by step diagnosis including patient symptoms & history, videos of the patient, x-rays, treatment, and conclusions. Each case study also has a quiz and evaluation towards the end. The class handouts and lecture audio files are password protected and cannot be accessed without university credentials.

The website links to additional external resources, and has a separate section with information pertaining to the USMLE Step 1 exam.

Slide topics include Neoplasia, Endocrine Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Hematologic Disorders, Pulmonary Diseases, Lymphatic System, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Immune System, Liver and Gallbladder, Pediatric Diseases, Inflammation and Repair, Renal Disease, Disorders of the Skin, Infectious Diseases, Reproductive Diseases, Musculoskeletal, Hemodynamic Disorders, Breast Disease, and Central Nervous System.


This would be most useful as an adjunct to the lectures and labs of a classic pathology course. However, if a faculty member was having difficulty providing the lab component , or some aspect of the lab component, this could serve as a substitute. This could replace an entire course, with access to the student handouts and lecture videos.

More to read: Illinois Histology

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